Intranet Case Study
Motability Operations Moves from Email-Heavy Culture to SharePoint Intranet
Motability Operations Moves from
Email-Heavy Culture to SharePoint Intranet
Motability Operations is the commercial company that delivers the Motability Scheme to over 700,000 disabled people and their families, helping them access independent mobility. Since first running the scheme 45 years’ ago, Motability Operations has helped more than 5 million people get moving.

The firm had been using a basic, static intranet that was out of date and off brand. It also had limited functionality and wasn’t very user-friendly, meaning employees would often email colleagues for information rather than trying to find it on the intranet.

The SharePoint solution
Motability Operations has rolled-out a Microsoft SharePoint intranet in partnership with Sorce to enhance employee communications. The company behind the Motability car, powered wheelchair and scooter scheme – that helps over 700,000 people with disabilities and their families get on the road – was keen to move away from an email-heavy culture and provide a central user-friendly platform for storing documents; sharing news and business updates; collaboration and employee support.
All the employees at Motability Operations can now use the ‘MOConnect’ intranet – which went live in April 2023 – for accessing company-wide news and information, learning about events and courses, and seeking help and support. Since going live with its SharePoint intranet, Motability Operations has significantly reduced its email traffic.
“We needed a new modern platform to replace our old intranet that was no longer fit for purpose. As our old intranet was barely used, employee communications relied heavily on email and Microsoft Teams and this needed to change.”
Julia Dixon,
Internal Communications and Engagement Lead
To streamline communications and provide a central repository for all documents and information, the company decided to move to a SharePoint intranet and approached a number of SharePoint specialists. Sorce was selected as Motability Operations’ partner of choice after the company impressed with its straightforward and personable approach.
MOConnect went live to all employees following an implementation process lasting just six months. Dixon says, “We wanted to roll-out the new intranet quickly and our 15-person project management team, together with the expertise of Sorce, managed to turn things around and deliver the project on time.”
The intranet is already enhancing communications across the company, while helping to streamline the employee experience as Dixon explains, “We now have a ‘one stop shop’ for all colleagues – a platform that brings everyone and everything together regardless of whether they’re working from one of our four locations or at home. We can now store files easily, access company apps and share good news stories – all from MOConnect. It’s reducing our reliance on email and further strengthening our workplace community.”
Motability Operations will also be encouraging the use of MOConnect on mobile devices, allowing employees to access what they need, learn news and give feedback while on the move. This is part of the company’s move towards a more ‘digital first’ approach that helps create first-rate experiences for both customers and employees.
“It’s early days for MOConnect, and we realise more work is needed to engage everyone with it. However, we’re delighted with what we’ve managed to achieve in such a short space of time and we are excited to see how the intranet evolves to further support and inspire our colleagues.”
Julia Dixon,
Internal Communications and Engagement Lead